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Selasa, 17 Mei 2022
Kamis, 14 April 2022
Ditemukan usai 21 tahun hilang, buku catatan Charles Darwin dikembalikan ke Universitas Cambridge
Lebih dari dua dekade setelah Notebook milik Charles Darwin dilaporkan hilang dari Universitas Cambridge tetapi kini 2 buku catatan bersejarah dan Sketsa Pohon Kehidupan milik Charles Darwin tersebut telah dikembalikan oleh orang yang tidak disebutkan namanya
Notebook bersampul kulit tersebut dibungkus dengan cling film di dalam tas berwarna merah muda yang ditinggalkan di lantai Perpustakaan Universitas Cambridge, dengan notes “Selamat Paskah” kepada pustakawan
Notebook itu hilang pada tahun 2001, tetapi baru diketahui jika notebook hilang pada tahun 2020
Notebook itu pertama kali dipindahkan pada tahun 2000 dari Ruang Koleksi Khusus Kuat, rumah bagi "barang paling langka dan paling berharga."
Setelah pemeriksaan rutin yang dilakukan pada Januari 2001, diketahui bahwa kotak kecil berisi notebook tersebut tidak dikembalikan ke tempat yang semestinya
"Saya merasa lega setelah notebook dikembalikan dan rasa itu tidak bisa diungkapkan," kata pustakawan Dr. Jessica Gardner
Gardner kemudian melakukan pencarian secara intensif pada tahun 2020, dipimpin oleh para ahli untuk melakukan pencarian notebook tersebut, Tim ahli bahkan mencari seluruh Arsip Darwin, yang mencakup lebih dari 180 kotak
Setelah pencarian ini gagal dan notebook itu tidak dapat ditemukan dimanapun, mereka menyimpulkan bahwa buku catatan itu telah dicuri.
Perpustakaan Universitas Cambridge mengumumkan ke publik pada November 2020 untuk menemukan buku catatan tersebut. Meskipun buku-buku tersebut sudah telah lama hilang sejak tahun 2001 tapi para pustakawan berasumsi bahwa buku-buku tersebut baru saja hilang
Perpustakaan berencana untuk memajang buku catatan milik Charles Darwin pada bulan Juli mendatang di pameran "Darwin dalam Percakapan."
Sketsa Pohon Kehidupan Charles Darwin mengungkapkan unsur-unsur pemikiran Darwin sebelum ia menyempurnakan On the Origin of Species lebih dari dua dekade kemudian
"Objek seperti ini sangat penting untuk pemahaman kita tidak hanya tentang sejarah sains tetapi juga sejarah umat manusia," kata Stephen Toope, wakil rektor di Cambridge.
2 Jenis Petir Yang Jarang Diketahui Manusia
Petir adalah pelepasan listrik yang disebabkan oleh ketidakseimbangan antara awan badai dan tanah, atau di dalam awan itu sendiri
Pelepasan ini dapat menghasilkan berbagai radiasi elektromagnetik, dari panas yang diciptakan oleh pergerakan elektron yang cepat, hingga kilatan cahaya
Petir menyebabkan guntur, suara dari gelombang kejut yang berkembang saat gas di sekitar pelepasan mengalami peningkatan tekanan secara tiba-tiba. Petir umumnya terjadi selama badai petir serta jenis sistem cuaca energik lainnya, tetapi petir vulkanik dapat terjadi selama letusan gunung berapi
Ketika awan petir dipenuhi dengan potongan-potongan kecil es yang bertabrakan dan saling menjatuhkan elektron. Partikel positif cenderung berkumpul di bagian atas awan, dan partikel negatif berkumpul di bagian bawah, kemudian terjadi ledakan listrik statis raksasa. Saat muatan tumbuh lebih besar di kedua sisi, pertukaran energi tidak dapat dihindari. Akhirnya, seberkas elektron akan berpindah dari sisi negatif ke sisi positif
Petir itu tetap berada di antara bagian atas dan bawah awan. Ketika muatan negatif ditransfer dari awan ke tanah, dikenal sebagai petir negatif, dan membentuk sekitar 90 hingga 95% dari petir yang pernah dilihat
Petir positif terjadi karena muatan positif yang menumpuk di bagian atas awan. Karena awan badai menyimpan partikel bermuatan negatif di antara partikel bermuatan positif dan tanah, petir positif biasanya terjadi jika ada angin kencang untuk memindahkan muatan negatif, atau setelah badai
Elektron memiliki jarak tempuh yang jauh lebih besar. Baut negatif akan menghasilkan sekitar 300 juta volt dan 30.000 amp listrik dan baut positif akan menghasilkan sekitar satu miliar volt dan 300.000 amp
Petir positif jauh lebih mematikan daripada petir negatif. Petir positif akan berlangsung lebih laam daripada petir negatif. Petir positif dapat menyambar hingga 20 atau 30 mil (32 hingga 48 kilometer) dari badai
kilatan positif diyakini bertanggung jawab atas sebagian besar kebakaran hutan dan kerusakan saluran listrik. Dengan demikian, petir positif jauh lebih mematikan dan menyebabkan kerusakan yang lebih besar daripada petir negatif.
Nenek Moyang Gurita Hidup Sebelum Era Dinosaurus
Para ilmuwan telah menemukan nenek moyang gurita tertua yang diketahui, fosil berusia sekitar 330 juta tahun yang ditemukan di Montana. Para peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa makhluk purba itu hidup jutaan tahun lebih awal, yang berarti bahwa gurita berasal sebelum era dinosaurus.
Fosil berukuran 4,7 (12 sentimeter) ini memiliki 10 tungkai, gurita modern memiliki delapan tungkai masing-masing dengan dua baris pengisap. Mungkin hidup di teluk laut tropis yang dangkal. Spesimen itu ditemukan di formasi batu kapur Bear Gulch Montana dan disumbangkan ke Museum Royal Ontario di Kanada pada tahun 1988.
“Sangat jarang menemukan fosil jaringan lunak, kecuali di beberapa tempat,” kata Mike Vecchione, ahli zoologi Museum Nasional Sejarah Alam Smithsonian yang tidak terlibat dalam penelitian tersebut. “Ini adalah temuan yang sangat menarik. Ini mendorong kembali leluhur lebih jauh dari yang diketahui sebelumnya.”
Selama beberapa dekade, fosil itu diabaikan di dalam laci sementara para ilmuwan mempelajari fosil hiu dan temuan lain dari situs tersebut. Tapi kemudian ahli paleontologi memperhatikan 10 anggota badan kecil yang terbungkus batu kapur.
Fosil yang terawetkan dengan baik juga “menunjukkan beberapa bukti adanya kantung tinta”, mungkin digunakan untuk menyemprotkan jubah cair berwarna gelap untuk membantu menghindari pemangsa, seperti gurita modern, kata Christopher Whalen, ahli paleontologi Museum Sejarah Alam Amerika dan rekan-rekannya. penulis studi yang diterbitkan Selasa di jurnal Nature Communications.
Makhluk itu, sebuah vampyropod, kemungkinan adalah nenek moyang dari gurita modern dan cumi vampir, makhluk laut bernama membingungkan yang lebih dekat dengan gurita daripada cumi-cumi. Sebelumnya, vampyropoda definitif tertua yang diketahui berasal dari sekitar 240 juta tahun yang lalu, kata para penulis
Menamai fosil tersebut dengan nama Presiden Joe Biden, para ilmuwan menjuluki spesies yang baru ditemukan itu Syllipsimopodi bideni. Mereka mengatakan itu karena kekaguman mereka terhadap prioritas penelitian dan sains presiden.
Mobil Limosin Terpanjang Di Dunia Mendapatkan Rekor di Guiness World
Pada 1 Maret 2022, mobil limosin panjang 30,54 meter (100 kaki dan 1,50 inci), berhasil memecahkan rekor di Guiness World sebagai mobil limosin terpanjang didunia
Guinness World Records mengatakan limusin super yang dikenal sebagai American Dream awalnya dibangun pada tahun 1986 di Burbank, California. mobil ini dibuat Jay Ohrberg, pada awalnya panjang mobil ini berukuran 18,28 meter (60 kaki), memiliki 26 roda, dan mesin V8 di depan dan belakang
"The American Dream" sama seperti limusin Cadillac Eldorado 1976 dan dapat dikemudikan dari kedua ujungnya, menurut Guinness World Records. mobil ini telah dibuat dengan dua bagian dan disambung di tengah dengan engsel untuk memutar sudut yang sempit.
Mobil Limosin ini pernah ditampilan di film, sering disewa, tetapi karena biaya perawatan mobil yang tinggi dan masalah parkir, orang-orang kehilangan minat pada mobil ini dan mobil mulai berkarat dan akhirnya berakhir di gudang New Jersey selama beberapa tahu sebelum Manning membelinya
Michael Manning, pemilik museum teknis Autoseum di Nassau County, NY, memutuskan untuk memodifikasi American Dream, yang telah berkarat karena telah lama di pajang dan banyak komponennya yang rusak sehingga harus dimodifikasi, mobil ini akhirnya diperpanjang hingga mencapai 30,5 meter (100 kaki)
"Saya pertama kali menemukan mobil itu di pameran mobil di New Jersey dan mobil itu terlihat seperti mobil rongsokan karena dipenuhi coretan, jendelanya pecah, bannya kempes, tapi saya tetap jatuh cinta pada mobil ini. 'Saya akan mendapatkan mobil ini dan saya akan membawanya kembali dan memulihkannya,'" kata Manning.
Manning mengatakan rencana untuk mendapatkan mobil itu sempat terkendala karena masalah anggaran dan dia harus mencari tempat penyimpanan untuk mobil itu ketika sewa Autoseum dengan Nassau County dihentikan.
Manning akhirnya mendaftarkan mobil itu di eBay, tempat mobil itu dibeli pada 2019 oleh Michael Dezer, pemilik Museum Mobil dan Tempat Wisata Dezerland Park di Orlando, Florida.
Mobil itu dikirim ke Orlando, dan Manning datang untuk berpartisipasi dalam restorasi mobil tersebut. American Dream yang telah dimodifikasi kini memiliki fitur mobil yang canggih seperti helipad, kolam renang, hot tub, lapangan golf, dan kasur air besar. Manning mengatakan mobil itu sekarang akan dipajang di Dezerland Park Car Museum
"Helipad secara struktural dipasang ke kendaraan dengan braket baja di bawahnya dan dapat menampung hingga lima ribu pound," Michael Manning, yang terlibat dalam restorasi The American Dream, mengatakan kepada Guinness World Record.
Ada juga lemari es, telepon, dan beberapa pesawat televisi. Mobil itu dapat memuat lebih dari 75 orang, menurut Guinness World Records
Modifikasi mobil ini membutuhkan biaya $ 250.000 untuk biaya pengiriman, bahan dan tenaga kerja, dan membutuhkan waktu tiga tahun untuk menyelesaikannya, menurut Guinness World Records.
"Anda benar-benar tidak bisa meletakkannya di jalan karena terlalu panjang," kata Manning. "Itu dibuat hanya untuk dipajang." karena memang ukuran mobil ini sangat panjang daripada mobil limusin lainnya
Selasa, 29 Maret 2022
Love Fatamorgana
Love it there ......
Love is complementary ... ..
Love gives meaning to life ... ..
Love is beautiful and colorful ... ..
Love is love and a sense of belonging in a relationship
Love fatarmogana out of eye but close at heart this love was never changed even though you're already becoming a couple others
Love is like a wave come and go, appear and disappear, together and lose, laugh and cry, and smile but it hurt to love and love made aware that should complement each other trying to understand
Love begins with a chat
Love cyberspace love fatamorgana like a wind
Because it can feel but can not see
Gusts of wind that makes the heart calm as well as when I'm near you I feel calm
I do not understand about feeling what I feel for you
You made me not want to love others
It maybe true mate has been specified but what you are my soul mate that God gave to me
Although we are separated because of distance but we are always looking at the same sky
And the sky makes me like to be near you
And you like the clouds and the atmosphere that protects the sky
And so are you protecting me
I can not see you
But I know that you always protect me though from far
I've always felt you present here but you are far there
I hope to find a man who can make me laugh and smile
Keep, together and give warmth to hug you
sometimes I think why both of us and met with chat
Is this the fate of god we both met like this for mutual love
But why this love must be separated by a distance and separated by distance, time, sea, ocean
Suppose our love like the sea is always calm, peaceful, and happy and you are always with me for sure I will feel happy as well with you
Suppose your country and my country is close and the seas and oceans were not there then there is no distance between us
Why when I have to love somebody
Someone who has given my life meaning and accompanied me for several months
Why distance seemed far away, was farther and farther away
When I forget you love it more and it makes me love to love you anymore
I can not forget you
Forgetting all our memories we pass both
Although there Your hand I distance is not an obstacle for us to part
Every relationship is certainly something that must be passed, skip, and finish
Sometimes I think that's what we love someone and ended up wounded with love because they have let go of the people we love and betrayed or betraying the people we love
What if it is a pity to someone why should leave
A person will not feel quite in love
And trying to look for the others and for playing love
Love is not for playing but to be guarded
People were crying because love is a fool and gutted
Because she loved the wrong person and can not understand the real meaning of love
Love was happy not to cry for love
Quarrels in love does not mean it is not suitable but for intropreksi and judge ourselves and trying to understand love
Without contention would love bland like the unsweetened
Because it is love, where there is love there is no contention
I know that love is not possible to run without the blessing of the parents
Yupz parents determine everything and this decision whether we will be together or not. If we can not be together I just want you to be happy with someone else who is more worthy for you have and not me
I do not know if we can be together or not because this is all God's decision is not a decision us. If we can not be together I just want you to forget me and spend time with a woman who's lucky to have you. I'm tired of this relationship
Not because I do not love you but because you're going to marry someone else later on and live with others. Love is sometimes to lose and do not have to have
But if I had to lose you when I love you. And what I have to remove you, when I do not want let you go. Do we have to marry someone else when we love each other
Why sometimes love makes people to do stupid
But this is not one of love? But this is one of us because we can not resist the desire to commit a wrongful act
Love is to be kept and maintained as holding the sand and that love can be lost as when blowing sand
Love should be mutual trust so that the relationship does not crack and crumble like a house foundation
Love is color and color the human life
Love is like chocolate and coffee
Because love is sweeter when shared and bitter when left by the people we love
Love is like a medicine there is a sweet and bitter
Likewise human life such as spinning wheels
Sometimes happy, miserable, happy, and sad
Every human has a problem
Problems will always be there and always be present in all human life, especially the problem of love
Every human being has a destiny and a different way of life like love
Love is love and a sense of belonging in a relationship
Real relationship is a complementary relationship with each other and never leave the people we love
Do not start a relationship if you just want to play with someone's feelings
Because when we love someone we must give real love is not love pseudo-
Sometimes we expect a sincere love, but it turns out the people we do not care, but give unconditional love and just playing with feelings
Star was wonderful because it emits light and make people amazed to see
Looking like a star because you always light my heart and always keep me
So is love ..
Love would be wonderful if based upon the trust and loyal
Excessive loving people can only hurt feelings
Love the essentials that just love to parents and to God
If I was your soul mate and I will be yours
And the key to a successful relationship is a need to keep the feeling of each other and communicate
Every human being has a soul mate
If I was not dating you, I go out of your life for you to find your soul mate and I had to succumb to eliminate this feeling to you and see you love others
If indeed we mate we will surely meet a variety of ways
God then to create love and a couple of interrelated and complementary to each other
God has created a woman and man to complement each other
And women are created from the rib of man, so the man's job is to keep women
Men can not live without women, and women can not live without a man, because they complement each other
I'm here just look and together with you shadow
Love is an illusion
How long will I have to wait for you here
Together with you shadow
And every hour, minute, second
I'm just waiting for you figure that never comes
What you will not come in my life
To pass the time and the rest of life both
What love you just a fatamorgana
What do you love the fake
Only you and God know about your feelings to me
Sometimes you think?
What I love you all just an illusion and you love me like I love you
I wonder what I have to wait for you a few more years
What I have loved another man
But I was not able to do that and I do not want to make you hurt
If I can not be with you until death convinced and believe that love is only for you
Although we will be married to another person and can not be shared
I still love you forever
You are making sense and give meaning to live this
I have experienced many upheavals of life, especially in romance, love comes and goes, love is always present in human life, a love that will never be lost and gone, love always follow where the human step, loveless world might be ending and a lot of corruption and the many conflicts around the world
Sometimes a human may say that love is wrong and blind
Though love is not wrong and blind
But humans are wrong because they love the wrong person
Love the man was already known since birth ya love of parents to children, love of children to parents
Without human love will be destroyed
Do not blame love but blame yourself for not being able to be a good human and wrong in loving the wrong man
soulmate is a reflection of the attitude of self
If person good it will be for with good people,bad people for bad people
Ex was soulmate anyone ever owned
ex was in fact does not exist because there are people who have loved and give lessons to become a better person
If we do not meet with the people we love in the past will understand that we ourselves have shortcomings and we have to improve and change the nature
We would love people constantly switch from one person to another to find a mate and look for life partner
We will not turn away if we had found a soul mate
Because the match that will accompany our lives
Every human being has strengths and weaknesses
And that we must always understand the advantages and disadvantages of the pair to complement each other
When I first chat with you I never thought that I would love you
You are to come in - come say love to me
This might sound silly and strange love strangers and never met
But day by day I feel this love grows arrivedz
Because love is from the eyes fell to the heart
Make me believe in the love you give
Love cyberspace or real love was definitely there and everyone must have experienced
But if love cyberspace one I think is wrong
Love is like a virtual world like something invisible but no
According to the virtual world people love it like we love god
Because we can not look god but we loved
Love the virtual world we love people but the human was not visible
When my first meet with you
You are loyal, loving, caring, and not considering the physical
But you are also a person naughty
But when you naughty I can accept it because every man destined to be naughty and idk between me wrong I know you're naughty but I still love you
But with each passing day our relationship may be quite wrong because we're in a country that is among the 2 choices among possible in united or not to be this is decision god
But the more days I felt my feelings became blind and did not know what should I tell you
You say I can not be with me
But you love me
And the love we have not received approval from both our parents
You say parents determine all so whether we deserve to make this relation without parents knowing
Sometimes I feel scared because remember the relationship we have yet to get the green light from parent
One might think of you also might care about you is wrong
But somehow I feel it maybe you're right I'm too much for you call
I am embarrassed to hear your voice
And I was afraid to love you redundant
Believe may be the key to successful relationship
But how can if you call this just makes me hurt
If you want me to go out of your life and maybe the decision you want
I can not do anything you can to love and marry the woman you want
Marriage is valid only once in a lifetime love is eternal and essential and a promise and promised love
If you want me leave you I will leave you, if you want me to be with you I will be with you
Because I do not want us to hurt each other
Love is not everything
Love does not have to be together
Pure love is to give up the people we love to see him happy with someone of his choosing
Love sometimes is said to show the beauty but also sometimes brings pain
If you're not me soulmate and not love me, you can leave
You are always in my dreams
Sometimes I think forget you but I can not
I just hope that you can be successful in your career
You fill the time with me?
Idk what I'm feeling is like love without end
What you are me soulmate? That's what I ask myself every day into
Sometimes it's heart faltered
Pure love is never thought to love others
You always cheer in joy and sorrow
Sometimes when watching the rain is so heavy drain cooling water and fertilize the plants, almighty God who created the rain that makes it cool human heart, rain flowing endlessly if there is no rain this earth may be barren
Thinking about you when it rains
The rain is so heavy
If you are here to hug me and accompany me but what can I expect you away from me, you're in a different country
Thinking about you no one will be completed
If you are here and grief I'm glad I was yours and vice versa
You were always there to accompany me happy sad lonely unhappy when his only prayer I can pray because we are not able to meet at some point we will beetemu
Who knows when we'll meet may God hear our prayers
What broke was the right decision for both of us
maybe this relationship is not easy to did but if we did together try conquer a challenge and we will to be together if we are soulmate