Rabu, 24 Juli 2019

What Is The Real Meaning Of Love

Entahlah aku semakin ingin sendiri saja mungkin cara menikmati hidup yaitu berada dalam kesendirian karena bisa lebih bebas melakukan banyak hal tanpa ada halangan. Aku hanya berpikir cinta itu rumit karena apapun serba dipermasalahkan dan cinta memang tidak bisa bertahan selamanya ketika menjatuhkan hati ke seseorang tentu ada konsekuensi dalam hal itu. Segala hal harus dipertanggung jawabkan rasa sakit hati sering dirasakan seakan lupa bahwa arti cinta yang sebenarnya bukan seperti itu. Cinta menurut sebagian orang hanya sebuah permainan hati ketika bosan lantas pergi tanpa tau cara menghargai dan menyatukan.

Cinta hanya datang ketika ingin dirasakan tapi seolah manusia lupa bahwa cinta kadang kerap sekali bosan. Mari kita lihat banyak sekali orang yang mengatakan mencintai seseorang tapi harus terpisah hanya karena jarak atau orang tua yang tidak merestui seolah begitu rumit untuk dilakukan atau bisa juga sudah menikah kemudian cerai dan mereka tidak pernah memikirkan masa depan keduanya dan anak mereka. Memang cinta itu itu indah diawal tapi belum tentu diakhir dapat bertahan itu kenapa tuhan menciptakan hati. Hati manusia seakan sudah dibuat sedemikian rupa hanya mampu merasakan keindahan kemudian rasa sakit hati. Hati cepat sekali remuk dan hancur hanya karena melihat pasangan kita berpindah ke lain hati atau kita yang tidak mampu bertahan dan mencari cinta lain.

Manusia tidak mampu mengartikan apa itu cinta sebelum benar2 merasakan apa itu patah hati tapi kerap kali seperti apa yang aku rasakan cinta bisa menjadi traumatic tersendiri dalam hidup manusia setelah menjatuhkan pilihan berkali kali dan menilai bahwa cinta hanya mampu melukai karena menyukai orang yang salah tapi yakinlah tuhan telah mengatur semua itu karena tuhan ingin manusia menjadi dewasa karena patah hati.

Hidup gak selamanya indah siapa yang mengatakan hidup itu selalu indah hanya orang2 yang tidak pernah tau tentang hidup saja yang mengatakan tentang itu karena sebenarnya tuhan telah hadirkan masalah sebagai cobaan didunia ini jika hidup selalu bahagia manusia tidak akan ingat akan tuhan mereka yang menciptakan dunia ini. Manusia sering kali merasa sombong seakan manusia bisa mempunyai segalanya karena tuhan saja yang menciptakan dunia ini tidak pernah sombong lantas untuk apa merasa angkuh jika itu menandakan bahwa tidak mampu merasakan keberuntungan dalam hidup.

Manusia akan lebih belajar memahami hidup setelah mereka benar2 mengalami lika dan liku dalam kehidupannya. Cinta itu seperti boomerang tersendiri dalam hidup manusia ketika telah memilih pasangan yang dianggap baik maka saat itu juga kadang ada yang memberikan segala sesuatu untuk pasangannya seakan lupa akan arti menjaga kehormatan dan menghargai diri sendiri kadang mereka lupa pacaran itu dilarang tapi tetap saja dilakukan seakan bahwa ketika merasakan cinta maka akan merasakan candu yang berlebihan terhadap pasangan seperti kafein yang membikin candu. 

Justru setelah itu mereka hanya akan menambah dosa dalam kehidupannya. Dan terkadang setelah memulai hubungan orang akan mulai memamerkan pasangannya di publik seolah agar orang lain mengakui bahwa orang itu mempunyai kekasih sesungguhnya suatu hubungan itu jadilah private tidak perlu diumbar. Cinta yang dewasa bukan cinta yang dipamerkan karena perasaan hanya dirasakan oleh dua orang. Alih2 memamerkan kemudian hubungan itu tidak sampai ke pernikahan orang itulah yang akan malu atau walaupun sudah sampai pernikahan tidak perlu dishare sehingga semua orang tau. Apalagi hubungan sebelum pernikahan itu haram hukumnya bagaimana bisa beberapa orang merasa bangga memamerkan hubungan haramnya. Dunia ini tidak selamanya ada tapi manusia tidak benar tau akan itu atau seolah tidak peduli karena bagi mereka fisik dan materi adalah nomer satu didunia ini mungkin hanya beberapa yang berpikiran seperti itu yang lainnya mereka sadar bahwa hidup tidak selamanya ada. Sungguh marak terjadi bencana didunia maka saat itu manusia akan sadar akan sesuatu yang menimpa mereka dan lebih mengingat tuhan sementara itu ketika tidak terjadi bencana mereka akan lupa dan akan selalu melakukan dosa

Selasa, 23 Juli 2019

Story Love 3

Sometimes I want to die quickly and go home to God. Because I am tired of this endless life. And as if it never stops just showing beauty but on the other hand humans will always be trapped in their immorality as if unaware that they will die. Competing in disobedience as if they will live forever and always doing. They do not realize that there is a next life waiting for him after life in the real world. They think that there is no problem in committing sins and mistakes as if no one is watching, even though angels are watching every day and recording their actions. The thing why I want to die because I'm tired and bored with death might make me happy. I want to meet God. God made me. I want to feel what it means to go home. I know my parents or my lover will be sad if I leave them, but it doesn't mean that this world is only temporary, sometimes I ask why God doesn't immediately speed up the apocalypse because this world is getting damaged every day. That's why God always sends disaster after disaster so that people are aware, but that doesn't make them immediately aware, maybe if the shroud has been wrapped around and wrapping their bodies right away, they realize that their lives are useless because they only commit disobedience every day without feeling guilty to their god. And they forget it is not God who needs their worship but those who need God. Allah only created this world so that people are aware and happy then Allah will punish them when they are no longer in the world

To you my beloved if I am no longer in the world I ask that you can be happy always and do not be afraid I always tell God to look after you. Love me until I die if I'm there don't forget to meet me and we will be reunited if you can be mine don't marry someone because I will later be your wife when in heaven but if we can't have at least if you want to be with I then don't marry someone we will be together there and become one. But if you don't want to be with me, I will pray for you so that you can meet your soul mate and women who always love you for who you are as I am doing now. I never thought who you are and how you are, it's just that I love you because of God. I realize that only one can separate us, that is death. If I die, remember me as someone who was with you and don't forget me. Someone who loves you because of God. I also do not forget you and will always remember you.

God take care of him, someone named, don't separate us if he's the best man for me, if he's the best priest for me. If he can make me closer to you. I do not want to force this heart to be with him because only God can unite and predestine two hearts to be together. I'm already tired of it all god I'm tired of breaking my heart again many times. God you know if I want him but if he doesn't want me then I don't want to force him to stay. God if I have to die before I get married then bring me together with one person who can keep his eyes and heart who only sees one person in front of him.

God I'm not afraid to die I'm just afraid I will leave the person I love so fast. God sorry if I always confide in him. Because I like him but often I forget that I shouldn't like him because he is impossible for me to have but I don't know why this heart chose him. God you know if distance and all these things are so complicated for God to do if you could unite me with him maybe I would be happy because of that. God, I'm not asking for more, it's just that I want to be with him

God I don't know why I love him I shouldn't love him because he can't control himself if he is near me and I should be scared because maybe he might do something to me but why does this heart believe in him because I know that he is the same as a man other. God, you know that people who know me always say if the person who becomes my husband will be a lucky person, but why is their god that I consider to be a lover never thanking or not feeling lucky to meet and be their girlfriend, why do they glance or look at women different and always want to find out more then for what god they want me to return to their lives if by having me it does not make them not to betray me or look at other women. This God is not all

When this heart wants to be alone and feels love only betrayed even though I betrayed him first whether he wanted to make me jealous or make me hurt. God this heart and chest is not able to feel it all better I just die God so I do not need to think about the meaning of love and how to feel love. God is there not just one man who loves me sincerely like I like them I've changed for the better whether there really isn't true love for me even though I hoped about him but as if it was useless if he just didn't want to stay with me. God if he is the best then show me the way whether he deserves to accompany my life or not. Because I only want a man who marries only one woman and I will marry for one man.