Kamis, 25 Maret 2021

Bahasa Inggris Dasar Untuk Konsumen


1.      Bahasa Inggris untuk percakapan sehari – hari:

A.    Greeting & Introduction:

-          Greeting: kalimaat sapaan

1.         Informal greetings: kalimat sapaan tidak resmi

Hello everyone, good morning

Hello (name), good morning


Pukul 11.30 – 14.00 (siang) – Good day

Good afternoon – 14.00 – 18.00

Good evening atau good night – 18.00 – 24.00

Good evening (saat bertemu) – good night (saat berpisah)


Hi kevin, this is me Eka, happy new year!

Hello dan hi digunakan kepada lawan bicara yang seumuran

Hi digunakan jika sudah mengenal lawan bicara

Hello digunakan jika baru mengenal lawan bicara


2.    Formal Greetings: kalimat sapaan (resmi)

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen,how are you? Today we are about to start our trip to Bandung


Bahasa Inggris mendahulukan penyebutan ladies dibandingkan gentlemen


You tidak hanya disebutkan kepada satu lawan bicara


Pertanyaan kabar lain: how’s life? How is it going? How was your day?


Start: memulai trip: perjalanan


Start trip digunakan untuk menjelaskan jika perjalanan akan segera dimulai


Our trip ends: perjalanan telah usai/selesai


Travel: belum diketahui spesifik tujuan berpergian


Trip: maknanya jelas akan berpergian ke suatu tempat


-          Introduction: perkenalan


Hello everyone, good morning! My name is...... you can call me.... i live in South Jakarta, but i was born in Surabaya. I am 25 years old. I dont have any hobby, but i like to meet new people. My favorite food is nasi uduk. Nasi uduk is one of Jakarta’s special meals. I am your travel guide and i will bring you to interesting places in Jakarta. You can reach me on my cellphone at 08654. Thank you


Hello adalah bentuk kalimat sapaan tidak formal diganti dengan greetings ladies and gentlemen untuk kalimat sapaan formal



B.     Berkenalan dengan konsumen

-          Nama pelanggan

-          Tempat tinggal

-          Hobi

-          Tujuan berpergian


Hindari pertanyaan seputar rumah, perkerjaan, hubungan


1.      What your name?

2.      Where do you come from?

3.      What is your hobby?

4.      What is your expectation?

5.      What are you goals on this trip?


C.     Parting/ farewell: kalimat perpisahan

Excuse me, i must hurry now. I have to attend a meeting at 10 am


Am : ante meridiem (1 – 11.59)

Pm: post meridiem ( 12.01 – 23.59)


D.    Gratitude: ucapan terima kasih

-That was nice of you

-You have been very helpful

-Thak you very much


Cara menjawab:

-          My pleasure

-          I am glad that i can help you

2.  Penggunaan ekspreksi dalam bahasa inggris

     1. Giving and asking opinion: memberi dan meminta pendapat

          a. what is your expectation about this trip?

          b. what do you like?

         c. what is your idea?

         Mengetahuan bagaimana penilai pelangga ditanyakan sebelum meminta rating di aplikasi karena  pelanggan akan menilai bekerja dengan sungguh dan akan menilai membutuhkan kritik dan saran membangun

         a. what do you think of this trip?

        b. what is your opinion about this trip?

        c. how do you feel during this trip?

        d. how was the trip?

        e. do you like that?

       f. can you give 5 star rating, please?


      Memberi pendapat:

      a. in my opinion

     b. i think that

     c. my comment is


   Example:  i think that we should visit Monas. Well, if you ask me, Jakarta is

   very beautiful city

     2.  Offering help: menawarkan bantuan

  Example:  Would you like a ride? I would be gald to give you a ride. May i give   

  you a ride (resmi)

can i give you a ride? Do you need a ride? (tidak resmi)


Jawaban menerima bantuan:

Yes please, if you could. Yes if you dont mind. You are so nice, thank you


Jawaban menolak bantuan:

No thank you. Dont worry. I can do it myself. Please dont bother


     3. Giving and asking direction: memberi dan meminta arahan

   Excuse me Sir. My name is..... I am a driver. I would like to go to Minang   Restaurant. But i think, i got the wrong direction. Can you help me?


Yes, i know that place. I will give you some clues to find that place. First, you have to go along this street. Then you will find a crossroad, next you have to turn right on Padang steet. Then you look at the left side, you will see Minang Restaurant, across of Rapi Hotel


3. Kalimat deskripsi dalam bahasa Inggris

    1. Describing product (mendiskripsikan produk)

       Memastikan kesesuaian pesanan dengan aplikasi – menginfokan ketersediaan     pesanan ke konsumen

Memastikan kesesuaian pesanan dengan aplikasi:

Is the order correct?

Jawaban: yes, it is (kesesuaian pesanan) & sorry there is a mistake, can i recorder (kesalahan pesan – re pengulangan)


Ok perfect! I will mention your order one by one. So you order two fried rice, one with chicken and spicy, and last one without chicken but still spicy. Is it right?

Menginfokan ketersediaan pesanan:

Sorry ma’am, the chicken is not available. So, one of your fried rice, can not be completed. I also want to make sure, do you want to use paper box or stystrofoam? If paper box, you need to pay two thousand for each meal you buy


All orders are available


    2. Describing situation (mendeskripsikan situasi)

        Deskripsi suasana sepi:

        Ma’am, this morning, the restaurant is not crowded. You order should be ready in 10 minutes and will arrive at your home in 15 minuted after. Please wait


     Deskripsi suasana ramai:

     Sorry ma’am, the restaurant is very crowded. I’ve been queuing for 10 minutes. Sorry for the delay


     Deskripsi suasana jalanan:

    Sorry ma’am, i do not expect flooding on they way your home. And now i’m stuck in traffic jam for 15 minutes. Sorry for the delay


    3. Describing place (mendeskripsikan tempat)

        Hello ma’am. Finally i’ve arrive at Tebet street. Can you guide me to the location of your home? I’m stoping at Citra Hotel besides Murah Market


       Hello ma’am, can i know, what’s the color of your house? Now i find white, orange and green houses. But i dont know here exactly is your house


        Hello ma’am. I’ve arrived at your house. Your house is pink and there is security post in front of your house. Where i should put your order?




Rabu, 24 Maret 2021

Masa Depan Kini Dalam Genggaman ~ Skill Academy


Masa Depan Kini Dalam Genggaman

Ruangguru adalah sebuah perusahaan startup teknologi asal Indonesia yang berfokus pada pendidikan. Skill Academy adalah inovasi terbaru dari Ruangguru sebuah perusahaan teknologi terbesar dan terlengkap di Indonesia, yang berfokus pada layanan berbasis pendidikan dan telah memiliki lebih dari 22 juta pengguna lebih dari 100 bidang pelajaran. Skill academy dulu berkerja sama dengan ruang guru hingga akhirnya skill academy lepas dari ruang guru. Skill academy berkerja sama dengan berbagai perusahaan, juga menyediakan  career mentoring dan beasiswa untuk orang yang menggunakannya seperti menyediakan kelas gratis atau diskon harga kelas yang kerap kali dilakukan. Skill academy juga bekerja sama dengan kartu prakerja


Berbicara tentang masa depan kini dalam genggaman, skill academy tentunya menyediakan berbagai macam kelas untuk diikuti untuk meningkatkan skill sehingga kelas yang digunakan sangat bermanfaat, harga terjangkau, dan materi yang berguna. Orang sangat membutuhkan kelas – kelas yang bervariatif dan meningkatkan skill mereka sehingga hal itu bisa berguna untuk berkerja atau pendidikan di sekolah/kuliah yang belum dipelajari. Sehingga nantinya bisa digunakan untuk memperoleh nilai yang baik dan mencari perkerjaan, serta memperluas relasi


Awal saya menggunakan skill academy dimulai ketika saya mendapatkan intensif dari kartu prakerja, ya saya pengguna kartu prakerja gelombang 5, waktu itu saya mengetahui prakerja dari media sosial dan kemudian saya mencoba untuk mendaftar karena saya belum mendapatkan perkerjaan, jujur itu beban ketika umur terus berlanjut tapi perkerjaan belum didapatkan, dan saya melihat berbagai macam kelas di prakerja dari sebuah platform/website yang berbeda, seperti Skill academy. Awalnya saya tidak mengetahui jika skill academy merupakan bagian dari ruang guru tapi akhirnya saya mengetahui setelah searching. Kelas yang disediakan sesuai dengan skill saya, tidak pikir panjang akhirnya saya menggunakan skill academy


Kelas pertama yang saya ikuti yaitu kelas SEO 101: Cara membuat Website eksis di halaman depan Google, kelas ini berisi tentang materi yang menjelaskan tentang SEO, saya memilih kelas ini karena saya mempunyai blog dan suka menulis. Saya ingin mengetahui bagaimana tulisan yang saya buat bisa muncul di halaman depan Google, karena terkadang membuat tulisan tetap trending hal yang sangat sulit jika tidak mengetahui teknik SEO


Kelas kedua yang saya ikuti yaitu IELTS Lesson For Getting Higher Score, kelas ini sangat bermanfaat untuk memperdalam ilmu tentang bahasa Inggris, menambah kemampuan bahasa Inggris, dan melakukan test serta mengetahui bentuk test IELTS sehingga lebih bisa mempersiapkan jika melakukan test dan mendapatkan skor terbaik


Kelas ketiga yang saya ikuti yaitu mudah pahami grammar toefl kelas ini sangat berguna untuk saya untuk mengetahui tentang jenis test toefl dan berbagai macam test toefl yang sebelumnya tidak saya ketahui, kelas ini saya dapatkan gratis dari beasiswa skill academy


Kelas ke empat yang saya ikuti yaitu siapkan diri dan dapatkan perkerjaan, kelas ini memberikan materi tentang berbagai macam tentang etika perkerjaan, sehingga lebih bisa mempersiapkan dari awal seperti interview dan bagaimana cara melakukan etika ketika baru awal berkerja, tentu kelas ini cocok untuk saya yang belum berkerja dan masih mencari perkerjaan, kelas ini saya dapatkan dari beasiswa career mentoring


Kelas ke 5 yang saya ikuti yaitu percakapan bahasa inggris dasar dengan konsumen, kelas yang berisi tentang materi bagaimana cara memperlakukan konsumen, cara berinteraksi dengan orang, dan mengetahui adab ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris, kelas ini saya dapatkan dari beasiswa career mentoring


Career mentoring juga sangat bermanfaat dari diajari tentang materi, melakukan webinar bersama para expert, dibimbing oleh mentor yang berpengalaman dalam dunia kerja, juga mendapatkan relasi dan teman baru, meningkatkan skill. Pengalaman seru yaitu ketika mendapatkan tugas yang diberikan oleh para mentor, dan aktif berdiskusi tentang materi yang diberikan. Skill academy sangat membantu hidup saya dan im proud and impress, karena bisa mengetahui kelas ini dari awal saya menggunakannya. Harapan saya yaitu skill academy bisa terus mengalami improvement, banyak digunakan oleh banyak orang, lebih memperbanyak kelas dan materi yang diajarkan oleh expert yang berpengalaman. Mungkin kelas yang yang saya akan coba lagi yaitu kelas menjadi aktor/aktris karena saya suka dengan entertaiment dan berakting. Sukses selalu untuk skill academy and thanks for your classes


Rabu, 17 Maret 2021

Mudah Pahami Grammar Toefl


A.    Pronoun



Singular : I, she, he, it

Plural      : you, we, they


Object Pronoun:

Singular    : me, her, him, it

Plural        : you, us, them


Posessive Pronoun :– kepemilikan (tidak perlu menyebutkan benda)

singular : mine, hers, his, its

Plural    : yours, ours, theirs


Possesive Adjectives: menyebutkan kata benda

Singular    : my, her, his, its

Plural        : your, our, their


Reflexive Pronoun:

Singular : myself, herself, yourself, itself, himself, herself, oneself (menyatakan sesuatu yang dilakukan sendiri)

Plural     : ourselves, yourselves, themself (tidak dilakukan untuk diri sendiri)


-          Adam gave himself a spanking new motorbike as a birthday present

-          The government’s new regulations are for the benefit of the people themselves


Impersonal Pronoun:

A.  One = siapapun

-One should take care of one’s health

- one should take care of his or her health

- you should take care of your health


B. It = apapun

- It was a lovely afternoon. Its drizzling

- Its ten past twelve. It was June 16 th

- Its only one kilometer from my house

- Dont be scared. Its only a mouse

- It has been a pleasure talking to you

- It surprised her that he said yes

- It was said that the war would soon end

- It can get very hot here in summer


Conjunction = S, P, jika ada P lihat Subject pada kalimat sebelumnya (when)

Verb ing = gerund = noun = S (using many symbol) – makes (predikat) – it (object)

Is = predikat

noun+ es = plural (SPO)

AS – But = conjuction

Exist = verb = predicate

Kata akhiran S termasuk possesive adjectives

Its = posessive adjectives

It is = S P


Kalimat yang terdapat 2 buah klausa yakni seperti adult education in America began in colonial times dan chief growth has taken places since the 1920’s yang dihubungkan oleh konjungsi althought pada klausa kedua subjeknya adalah kata chief growth namun untuk melengkapi hubungan pada kalimat pertama, maka subjeknya seharusnya chief growth of adult education dan bisa diganti dengan possesive adjective its sehingga bisa menjadi its chief growth


Kalimat seperti Benny Goodman orchesta presented a concert at the prestigious Carnegie Hall dan was clear that jazz had at last been fully accepted yang dihubungkan oleh konjungsi when seperti diketahui ada struktur yang hilang pada klausa kedua yakni subyeknya dan bentuk klausa kedua seharusnya menggunakan bentuk impersonal pronoun it dalam menyatakan it was clear that karena yang dinyatakan berkaitan dengan opini personal


Possesive adjective their (possesive pronoun) tidak boleh diikuti dengan kata benda seperti numbers


Apabila ada kata pengganti yang digunakan dalam klausa kedua seharusnya adalah it karena menurut jumlahnya seperti jumlahnya satu berarti menggunakan it kecuali jika banyak bisa menggunakan themselves


B.     Noun : kata benda (generic/umum/abstrak) SPO


1.      Setelah verb

2.      Sebelum verb

3.      Setelah determiners : kata tertentu untuk mencirikan noun – pronoun Possesive : its, their

Article: a/ an, the


Contoh Derived Noun:

-          Ion – Tion = collection, confusion, correction

-          Ance = attendance, difference

-          Er – Or = actor, preactitioner, engineer

-          Ure – Ture: failure, furniture, mixture

-          Age = carriage, package, marriage

-          Y – Ery = delivery, discovery, boundary

-          Ship = leadership, relationship

-          Th, Ht = warmth, depth, height, weight

-          Ress = actress, waitress, stewardess

-          Um – Ia = bacteria, referendum, sanitarium

-          Ism = idealism, communism, narcisism

-          Gy – Hy = technology, biology, geography

-          Ment = agreement, appointment

-          Ness = carelessness, clearness, goodness

-          Ist – Ant = typist, applicant, merchant

-          Al = arrival, approval, proposal

-          Ty = creativity, relativity, ability

-          Hood = brotherhood, neighborhood

-          Ian = historian, librarian, veterinarian

-          Ee = employee, interviewee


Irregular Plural Nouns:

Man – men                                             child - children

Heroes                                                     potatoes

Photos                                                    kilos

Mosquitoes/mosquitos                            volcanoes/volcanos

Calf – calves                                           knife - knives

Belief – beliefs                                        chief - chiefs

Fish                                                         series


Foot – feet                                             mouse - mice

Tomatoes                                               echoes

Pianos                                                    zoos

Tornadoes/tornados                              zeroes/zeros

Leaf – leaves                                         life - lives

Cliff – cliff                                            roof - roofs

Sheep                                                    species


Beberapa kata benda dari bahasa asing dan memilih bentuk plural asing

Criterion – criteria                   phonomenon – phenomena

Cactus – cacti                          appendix – appendices

Formula – formulae                analysis – analyses

Bacterium – bacteria               medium – media


Nouncountable Noun : tidak bisa dihitung – Singular Noun

Kesatuan benda sejenis: baggage, clothing, equitment, food, etc

Zat cair                          : water, coffee, tea, milk, oil, soup, gasoline, blood, etc

Zat padat                       : ice, bread, cheese, meat, gold, paper, wool, etc

Zat gas                           : steam, air, oxygen, nitrogen, smoke, pollution, etc

Partikel                          : rice, corn, chalk, dust, salt, sand, sugar, wheat,etc

Benda abstrak               : beauty, confindence, courage, education, fun, etc

Bahasa                           : Arabic, Chinese, English, Spanish, etc

Bidang studi                  : communication, chemistry, literature, mathematics, etc

Hobi & kreasi               : bastball, soccer, badminton, chess, etc

Aktivitas sehari – hari   : driving, studying, swimming, travelling, walking, etc

Fenomena alam             : weather, dew, fog, heat, humidity, lightning, rain, etc


Dates from = bercikal/bermula


Was dan is termasuk predikat

That diikuti dengan bentuk verb/ to be

To = kata depan/proposisi

In = preposition + noun

Noun + noun = appositive

Noun adjunct – verb ing untuk menyatakan kata benda (bridge – building)

Kata benda menyatakan kata benda bisa langsung digunakan seperti the lawyer

Jika ada kata S diakhiri are/is


Noun boleh diakhiri ec

Bountuk or untuk penghubung noun

Disrefull – bisa diganti direspectfullness sebagai noun

Jika ada A + noun (consunant)

An + noun (vowel)

Plural diakhiri es/es (flowers)

Noun 2 kata benda ada kata of (noun of noun)


Kata is digunakan menjadi be verb (predikat) sebagai penghubuk objek

Kata and penghubung 2 profesi yang menjadi keterangan penjelas dari subjek kalimat


Kata kerja rezognized membutuhkan objek berupa kata benda

Frasa kata benda principle of bukan membahas profesi (manager) melainkan bidang (management). Dalam penggunaan kata benda harus menyesuaikan apakah kata benda yang dimaksud membahas hal/profesi sehingga tidak terjadi salah pengunaan dalam kalimat


C.     Article (a, an, the)

1.      Indefinite and Definite

-          A banana is yellow (singular count)

-          Bananas are yellow (plural count)

-          Fruit is good for you (noncount)

-          I ate same fruit (noncount)

-          Thank you for the banana (singular count)

-          Thank you for the bananas (plural count)

-          Thank you for the fruit (noncount)


2.      Expression of Quantity

-          Countable: many, a few/few, a number of, several

-          NounCountable: much, a little/little, a great deal of

-          Some untuk countable dan nouncountable


3.      Using OF in Quantity

-          Most + nonspefisic noun : most books are interesting


-          Most + of  + spesific noun :

most of my books are in english

most of the books on that table are mine


-          Other quantifiers: all, some, many, few, several, both, two, one, much, a little, little


-          Can be both: a lot of, lots of, a couple of, plenty of, a number of, dan a great deal of

I’ve read a lost of books (spesific)

I’ve read a lot of these books (spesific)


4.      One, Each, and Every

-          One student was late to class

-          Each student has a schedule

-          Every student has a schedule

-          One of the students was late to class

-          Each of the students has a schedule

-          Every one of the students has a schedule


Bisa diikuti of jika diikuti spesific plural (the)


5.      Forms OF Other

-          The sudent in the class come from many tribes. One of the students is from padang. Another student is from Pontianak. Another is from Ambon. Other students are from Jawa. Others are from Sunda

-          I have three books. Two are mine. The other book is yours (the other is yours)

-          We write to each other every week : saling

-          We write to one another every week : saling

-          Please write on every other line : selang

-          I see her every other week: selang hanya terjadi setiap beberapa minggu

-          I will be here for another three years : more

-          I need another ten thousand rupiahs : more

-          We drove another ten kilometers : more (lebih)


-Another diikuti singular noun

-The other’s = posessive adjective

-Di awal kalimat ada preposisi m(in) berbentuk keterangan

-The bisa untuk kata benda (singular/plural)

- Caused by; passive

- kata if untuk 2 kalimat

- one of the nouns – plural


- singular :a/an

-plural: s/es



D.      Adjective = kata sifat : O – S – A – S – C – O – M - P

1.      Opinion  Adjectives

-          General: good, bad, beautiful, etc

-          More spesific: comfortable, clean, expensive, etc


2.      Descriptive Adjectives

-          Size: small, big, etc

-          Age: old, young, etc

-          Shape: round, square, etc

-          Color: green, red, golden, etc

-          Origin: American, Japamese, etc

-          Material: leather, metal, plastic, etc

-          Purpose: walking (stick), swimming (pool)


3.      Kind Of Adjective

-          It is a confusing problem : particiapial adjective : kata sifat yang memberikan makna aktif / pasif


-          They are confused students : participial adjective


-          The building opposite to the bank is  a two story shop: adjective phrase: penggunaan kata benda/ angka yang menunjukkan kata sifat


-          The five bedroom bungalow has been mortgaged to the bank: adjective phrase


-          The passenger are allowed to smoke only in the smooking compartment : kegiatan/tujuan


4.      Derived Adjective

-          Ive                   : imaginative, creative, active

-          Ous                  : dangerous, suspicious, famous

-          Ful                   : beautiful, powerful, skillful

-          Less                 : jobless, homeless, powerless

-          Y                     : wealthy, hairy, healthy

-          Ly                    : friendly, monthly, daily, costly

-          Able                : reasonable, adaptable, dengradable

-          Ish                   : reddish, childish, yellowish

-          Al                    : astronomical, economical

-          Ic                     : basic, sympathetic, automatic

-          Fic                   : scientific, spesific

-          Ry                   : sanitary, observatory, imaginary

-          Nt                    : urgent, violent, different


5.      Adverb: kata keterangan – kata sifat yang diakhiri ly (kata kerja dan sifat)

-Letak Adverb:

a. Setelah verb : the turtlw walks slowly

b. Sebelum verb: he quietly opened the door

c. Di awal kalimat: consequently the boy was cursed

d. Sesudah Noun/Object: she draws the picture beautifully

e. Sebelum Adjective: i am totally confussed


6.      Irregular Adverb : yang tidak diakhiri ly

-          The car runs fast

-          Doni writes well: adverb

-          Maria was sick, but now she is well : adjective

-          I feel good: mental

-          I feel well: health

-          My father always works hard: adverb

-          I hardly believe that she has gone: can’t

-          Almost : adverb: tengah kalimat


-          Expressive stylish = adverb + adjective

-          A style expressive = noun + adjective

-          Stylishly expressive = adveerb + adjective

-          Experssive style = adjective + noun

-          Akhiran al,nt = adjective

-          Adjective + noun : noun phrase


To = preposition bukan predikat

Predikat bisa berbentuk verb dan adjective (to be + adjective)

Made = verb3

Made from dijadikan satu

Adverb diletakkan sebelum adjective untuk menerangkan seberapa intensitas dari kata sifat yang digunakan untuk emenrangkan kata benda.

-setelah penguna  to be seharusnya diikuti oleh bentuk kata sifat adjjective karena diperjelas dengan pengunaan adverb yang memang hanya boleh diletakkan sebelum  kata sifat

- adjective diletakkan sebelum noun untuk menerangkan sifat yang dimiliki kata benda


E.     Comparison Degree: menyatakan kesamaan


Comparisan untuk menyatakan semakin semakin dapat menggunakan pola the er the noun, the...er the noun misal the fresher, the vegetable, the healthier the content dan soal ini merupakan satu materi yang paling sering muncul dalam soal Toefl


Comparative sebagai perbandingan lebih antara 2 benda yang salah satu aspeknya dibandingkan dalam hal ini diperbandingkan adalah the density of subtance’s solid dan the density of subtance’s liquid


Comparative sebagai perbandingan lebih digunakan untuk menyatakan maan di antara kedua benda yang memiliki sifat lebih dibandingkan sifat yang dimiliki benda lainnya dan ditandai dengan penggunaan kata than sebagai kata pembandingnya


Di similiarity dapat digunakan sebagai perbandingan perbedaan yang dimiliki oleh kedua benda dan bisa menggunakan kata unlike dan diletakkan didepan klausa benda yang diperbandingkan, kata alike hanya digunakan untuk menyaman kesamaan antar benda dan diletakakkan setelah kedua benda yang diperbandingkan dituliskan


1.      Similiarity Comparison

-          Tokyo is the same as Osaka

-          Tokyo and Osaka are the same


-          Prague is similiar to Bangkok

-          Prague and Bangkok area similiar


-          The weather feels like spring

-          The weather and spring are alike

-          This food’s taste is like Mexican food


-          New york is almost the same size as Paris

-          Jane is the same age as Jack


-          New York is as large as Paris

-          Jane is as old as Jack


-          Sissy’s pencils resemble mine

-          He resembles his bother facially


2.      Dissimilarity Comparison


-          Pretoria is dissimilar to Jakarta

-          Pretoria and Jakarta are dissimilar


-          Unlike Japan, Indonesia has two seasonal climates

-          Unlike you, i was the best the student


-          My cat is different from yours

-          My sister and i are different


-          Berlin differs from Brisbane

-          Jack and George differ from their father facially


A like hanya bisa digunakan di akhir sedangkan unlike di awal


3.      Comparative Estimation

-          The elephant is 500 kg in weight the goat is 20 kg in weight. Therefore, the elephant is 25 times as big as the goat


-          Yogyakarta has more temples than another cities in Indonesia


-          I get money less than what i want


-          The president should have as many as ten bodyguards for himself only


4.      Comparative and Superlative

-          This room is cooler than mine: 1 / 2 suku kata (er)

-          Ferrari is more expensive than Bmw : lebih dari 2 (than)

-          Denspasar is the prettiest of all cities on Bali Island: the adjective + est : paling

-          Jakarta is the most crowded city in Indonesia: the most + adjective: paling


-          More + adj + than


-          More + noun (s) + than


-          As adj as possible soon – little noun


-          Angka comparative – 40 miles


-          Adj (1 sylabble/2 sylabells + er)


-          More + adj (>2 sylabels)


-          Jika pakai than tidak pakai the


F.      Verb and Modal Auxiliaries

1.      Verb: Predikat (S,P)

-          Birds fly : intransitive verb - predikat bersifat subjek

-          The baby cried: intrasitive verb

-          The student needs a pen: transitive verb

-          My friend enjoyed the party: transitive verb

-          John is a student: linking verb – to be – noun / adjective

-          John is intelligent: linking verb - to be – noun/adjective

-          John was at the mall: linking verb – preposition

-          The soup smells good: linking verb adjective

-          The population grows quickly: attribute verb – adjective/ adverb


2.        Derived Verb

EN-               = enlarge, encourage, enrich

RE-                = renew, recreate, refill

-ZE, -IZE       = apologize, realize, standardize

-EN                 = lenghten, frighten, threaten

-D                    = succeed, offend, applaud

-VE                  = prove, believe, relieve

-SE                  = use, excuse, advise

-ED, -ING       = cleaned, asked, cleaning, asking

-ER                  = lower, slower, newer

-IATE, - ATE  = differentiate, initiate, violate

-FY, - IFY        = classify, solidify, beautify


3.    Modal Auxiliaries :

-          Modal + V1  : must, will, can, etc = S + modal + V1

 Modal + Have V3 = S + modal + have V3 = kejadian di masa lalu


4.    Kinds of Modal Aux

-          All applicants must take an entrance exam : obligation

-          All applicants have to take an entrance exam : obligation

-          Tomorrow is a holiday. We dont have to go to school

-          I can hear you. You needn’t shout

-          You mustn’t tell anyone my secret, promise? : larangan

-          You should study harder : imbauan

-          Drivers ought to obey the speed limit : imbauan

-          The gas tank is almost empy: imbauan

-          We had better stop at the next service station


5.        Past Modal AUX = modal + have v3 (should, could, might, must, would)

-          I had a test this morning. I didn’t do well on the test because i didn’t study for it last night. I should have studied last night

-          We went to the movie, but it was a bad movie, we wasted our time and money. We shouldn’t have gone to the movie

-          P = verb = noun change

-          There are – subyek predikat

-          Tidak ada verb ing jika tidak ada to be

-          Jika verb 1 diawali – does – doesnt- did

-          As – aux noun : can

-          Modal menggunakan passive = modal + be v3

-          Can + v1 without s/es

-          Should have v3/been v3

-          To diikuti verb 1

-          Modal auxiliaries amy dapat ditambahkan pola v1 untuk menyatakan ke dalam bentuk aktif. Bentuk past modal


Pembentukan kalimat baru dimulai dengan subjek noun/pronoun dan predikat modal + verb


Not menandai penggunaan verb secara negatif. None dan no digunakan untuk subjek/ objek untuk menyatakan ketiadaan. Sedangkan nor digunakan dalam sebuah pilihan negatif (yang keduanya tidak dipilih)


G.    Preposition and Phrasal Verb (in, on, at) – sebuah kata digunakan sebagai kalimat


1.        Preposition : menyatakan keterangan tempat : bisa ditaruh didepan kalimat

(K,S, P, O) Preposition + noun

-          You can sit before the desk ( or in front of the desk)

-          The professor can sit on the desk (when he’s being informal)

-          His feet are under the desk or be beneath the desk

-          He can stand beside the desk (meaning next to the desk), before the desk, between the desk and you, or even on the desk (if he’s really strange)


Menyatakan arah:


-          If he’s clumsy, he can bump into the desk or try to walk throught the desk (and stuff would fall off the desk)

-          Passing his hands over the desk of resting his elbows upon the desk


Tidak harus menyatakan keterangan tempat tapi untuk kata depan:


-          He often looks across the desk and speaks of the desk of corcerning the desk as if there were nothing else like the desk


-          Because he thinks of nothing except the desk, sometimes you wonder about the desk, what’s in the desk, what he paid for the desk, and if he could live without the desk



Keterangan tempat dan waktu:


-          You can walk toward the desk, to the desk, around the desk, by the desk, and even past the desk while he sits at the desk or leans against the desk


-          All of this happens, of course in time during the class, before the class, until the class, throughout the class, after the class, etc


-          And the professor can sit there in a bad mood (another adverbial construction)


2.        Preposition with Noun: preposition mengikuti kata depan


-          Approval of

-          Concern of

-          Fondness for

-          Hope for

-          Need for

-          Reason for

-          Success in

-          Awareness of

-          Confusion about

-          Grasp of

-          Interest in

-          Participation in

-          Respect for

-          Understanding of

-          Belief in

-          Desire for

-          Hatred of

-          Love of


3.    Preposition with adjective


-          Afraid of

-          Capable of

-          Fond of

-          Jealous of

-          Proud of

-          Sure of

-          Sorry for

-          Angry at

-          Careless about

-          Happy about

-          Made of

-          Similiar to

-          Tired of

-          Worry about

-          Aware of

-          Familiar with

-          Interested in

-          Married to

-          Different from


4.    Preposition with verb


-          Apologize for

-          Belong to

-          Find out

-          Look for

-          Bring up

-          Trust in

-          Worry about

-          Ask abou

-          Bring up

-          Give up

-          Look forward to

-          Look up

-          Work for

-          Turn off

-          Ask for

-          Care for

-          Grow up

-          Think about


Even thought – subjek predikat

Of bisa digunakan sebagai preposition, of ten people, one receives a gift

Build in = terintegrasi di dalam

Build on = meninggikan

Build up = menumpuk/ mengendap


Deal on = menyepakati

Deal with = berkaitan


In + cities


Danger of


Salah satu bentuk keterangan kalimat adalah menggunakan preposition yang diterjamahkan pun artinya sesuai dengan konteksnya


At digunakan sebagai preposisi dari keterangan waktu tertentu dan dapat diletakkan di awal kalimat sebelum subjek dan predikat sebagai keterangan klausa


In length penggunaan kalimat tidak tepat melainkan harus diganti five meters high, one thousand meters deep


Preposis from digunakan untuk menyatakan asal dari suatu benda, sedangkan karena menggunakan present perfect tense maka penggunaan preposisi from menjadi since untuk menandakan sejak kapan sesuatu berlangsung


H.      Concord & Parallelism


1.    Basic Concord = subject – verb agreement

-          My friend lives in Bandung (Singular Verb)

-          My friends live in Bandung (Plural Verb)

-          That book on political parties in interesting

-          The ideas in that book are interesting

-          My brother and sister live in Bandung

-          Every man, woman, and child needs love

-          Each book and magazine is listed in the catalog

-          Growing flowers is her hobby


2.    Concord: Expression Of Quantity

-          Some of the book is good

-          Some of the books are good

-          A lot of the equipment is new

-          A lot of my friends are here

-          Two thirds of the money is mine

-          Two thirds of the pennies are mine

-          One of my friends is here

-          Each of my friends is here

-          Everyone of my friends is here

-          None of the boy is here

-          The number of students in this class is fifteen

-          A number of students were very late for class

-          There is a book on the shelf

-          There are some books on the shelf

3.      Concord: Irregularities

-          The news is interesting

-          The united states is big

-          The philippines consistes of 7000 islands

-          The united nations is located in New York

-          Mathematics is easy for her

-          Eight hours of sleep is enough

-          One million rupiahs is too much to pay

-          Five thousand kilometers is too far to travel

-          Those people are from Bali

-          The police have been called

-          English is spoken in many countries (language)

-          The english drink tea (people from England)

-          The poor habe many problems while the rich get rich


4.    Concord With Noun

-          A student walked into the room. She/he was looking for the teacher

-          Some students walked into the room. They were looking for the teacher

-          A student should always do his or her assignment (Generic Noun)

-          Everyone has his or her own ideas


5.    Concord with Collective Noun

-          Audience

-          Class

-          Faculty

-          Couple

-          Government

-          Group

-          Family

-          Staff

-          Team

-          Public

-          Committee

-          Crowd




-          My family is large. It is composed of nine members

-          My family is loving and supportive. They are always ready to help me

-          The government is planning it (American

-          The goverment are planning it (British)


I.     Parallelism

1.      Not Parallel:

Mary likes hiking, swimming, and to ride a bicyle



Mary likes hiking, swimming, and riding a bicyle


2.       Not Parallel:

The production manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and in a detailed manner


Parallel: the production manager was asked to write his report quicky, accurately and thoroughly


3.      Not Parallel: s,p

The teacher said that he was a poor student because he waited until the last minute to study for the exam, completed his lab problems in a careles manner nad his motivation was low


4.      Not Parallel:

The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat too much, and to do some warm up exercises before the game



The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat too much, and that they should do some warm up exercises before tha game



The coach told the player that they should get a lot of sleep, not eat too much, and do some warm up exercises before the game




The teacher said that he was a poor student because he waited until the last minuted to study for the exam, completed his lab problems in a careless manner and lacked motivation


5.      Not Parallel:

The salesman expected that he would present his product at the meeting, that there would be time for him to show slide presentation and that questions would be asked by prospectiveness buyers (passive)


Parallel: that = S + P

The salesman expected that he would present his product at the meeting, that there would be time for him to show slide presentation and that prospective buyers would ask him questions


6.      Not Parallel:

The dictionary can be used for these purposes to find word meanings, pronounciations, correct spelling, and looking up irregular verbs


The dictionary can be used for these purposes to find word meanings, pronounciations, correct spellings, and irregular verbs


7.      Not Parallel:

Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method, while now the laboratory method is employed


Parallel: S to be V3

Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method, now it is taught by laboratory method


Being V3 = Passive (Ving)

For = preposition + noun + ving gerund


Comparative – er than

Superlative – the – est


Every + noun (singular)


Fungi = plural

Fungus = singular


S (v1)

S (v1 s)


Noun noun and noun noun


In preposition = noun (verb ing)


Ketiadaan dinyatakan secara singular dengan menggunakan to be is dan impersonal there


Ketentuan kesetaraan Ving yang harus digunakan agar sebanding dengan Ving lainnya yakni learning, conditioning, thinking (example)


J.     Conjungtion

1.    Contrast Conjunction: pertentangan

-          These shoes are old but comfortable

-          He didnt get the job despite/ in spite of all his qualifications – conjuction noun


-          He didnt get the job despite the fact that/ in spite of the fact that he had all qualifications

-          Alhthough/ though/ even though he hurried, the shop was cloed when he got there


-          The performances of our badminton athletes keeps declining. However/ Nevertheless/ Nonetheless/ On the other hand, we must still support and ecourage them


-          He didnt study, yet he passed the exam

-          He thought i was lying, whereas i was telling the truth

-          Theme of cartoon is childish while anime can be so mature


2.   Conjuction of Purpose: TUJUAN

-          I’m saving money for travelling abroad next year: for ving

-          I’m saving money so that/in order that i can travel abroad next year = S,P

-          I will go to the store in order to buy some soda = in + Ving


3.   Cause And Effect Conjuction: sebab akibat

-          I cant go because i am ill

-          I cant walk because of my broken leg

-          Her success was due to hard work

-          Her success due to the fact that she worked hard


-          It was such nice weather that we went to the zoo = such adj + noun thatS P

-          He speaks so fast that i cant understand what he is talking about = so adj


-          As i love you, i will do anything

-          I didnt pass the test, for i hadnt studied welln = for S P (Karena)

-          As long as you are not busy, please help me


-          Now that work in journalism, i dont have to work as sales anymore


Now that = karena sekarang


-          Since i have never gone to Sweden before, now i’m feeling happy to know that my boss offered me to work there


-          He didnt spend money carelessly. Therefore, he was able to save money (formal)


-          He didnt spend money carelessly. He therefore was able to save money

-          He didnt spend money carelesly. He was able to save money, therefore


-          Hence, thus, consequently, so, as a result

-          The incessant rain heavily poured over a week ago thereby making our city flooded


Thereby = sehingga – thereby + ving


4.      Other Conjuctions

-          Such cities as Bandung and Surabaya are big = such noun as

-          Not only is Mia smart but also clever

-          Not untul 1998 did Reformation era begin


So do i = to be s=  i like it too


-          Either go to see him or send an apology will be the best way to solve your problem with him

-          Neither Joan nor David could come to our party

-          I’ll go swimming tomorrow unless its cold = if it is not cold


Since = S P

Because of noun


Either or = 2 pilihan

Both and


S P but S P

SP but P


Where (in which, in that) = because


Kata hubung suportif: S P, futhermore, moreover, in addition  S P

While ditengah atau awal

 S P meanwhile  S P


Noun only to be S,  but also

S not only P, but also


Because S P

Because of + noun


So adj that

Too ajd – to v1


Even though S P

Despite noun

Even = preposition


Verb did diletakkan di awal seperti kalimat tanya



K.      Tenses And Passive Voice

1.    Simple Present Tense

-          It snows in Alaska: fact

-          I watch television every day: habit

-          The museum opens at ten tomorrow morning: routine

-          Classes begin next week

-          Joni works at the bank

-          She watches birds : v1 + es/s

-          Wash = washes

-          Toss = tosses

-          Unbox = unboxes

-          Cry = cries

-          Watch = watches

-          Buzz = buzzes

-          Buy = buys


2.    Simple Past Tense: V1 – v2 - ed

-          It snowed yesterday

-          I watched television last night

Irregular past verb : take took


3.  Simple Future Tense

-     It will snow tomorrow: will V1

-     I am going to watch television tonight: to be going to V1


4.    Present Continous Tense : am , is, are , ving (terjadi sekarang atau tahun)

-          He is sleeping right now

-          She is writing another book this year

-          She is in her room writting her script now

-          My wife has an appoitment with a doctor. She is seeing Dr Fatika Next Tuesday


5.      Past Continous Tense: was were Ving: terjadi lebih dulu

-          He was sleeping when i arrived

-          While i was driving home, it began to rain

-          At 8 o’clock last nightm i was studying

-          Last year at this time, i was attending school


6.        Future Continous Tense: will be Ving (masa depan)

-       He will be sleeping when we arrive

-       Dont call me at nine tonight because i wont be home. I will be studying at the library


7.      Present Perfect Tense: have  has V3

-  She has already eaten

-  I have never seen snow

-  I have flown on an airplane many times

-  She has had this same pair of shoes for three years

-  I have lived here since 1997


8.    Past Perfect Tense: sudah selesai duluan (had V3)

-          I had already eaten when they arrived

-          Sonny had left before we got there

-          After they had finished the meal, they went home


9.   Future Perfect Tense

-          I will have already eaten by the time they arrive

-          I will have graduated by next August


10.     Perfect Continous Tenses

- I have been studying for two hours

-  I had been studying for tow hours before my friend came

- I will have been studying for two hours by the time you arrive


L.       Passive Voice

1.      Simple Present

- Bella helps Adrian – Adrian is helped by Bella

Am/is/are Ving           to be being V3


2.      Simple Past

 -  Bella helped Adrian – Adrian was helped by Bella

Have/has V3                  have/has been V3


3.      Simple Future

- Bella will help Adrian – Adrian will be helped by Bella

Had V3                           had been V3


4.      Stative Passive

-          I locked the door five minutes ago. Now door is locked

-          The window was broken by Anna yesterday. Now the window is broken

-          I dont know where i am. I am lost

-          I cant find my wallet. It is gone

-          I am finished with my work

-          I am done with it


5.      Stative Passive: get + adj

-          I am getting hungry. Let’s eat soon

-          You shouldnt eat so much. You will get fat

-          I stopped working because i got tired

-          They are getting married next month


6.      Passive use with noun: s – to be V3 (PASSIVE) – noun – V1 (active)

-          A rock consists of several minerals

-          A rock is usually found in arid areas



Never digunakan untuk kalimat negatif

V3: have, has, had (to be V3)       

Had digunakan untuk menyatakan masa lalu

Bentuk umum present perfect tense adalah has/have V3

Kalimat general truth harus menggunakan bentuk simple present tense


M.      Clauses and Sentences

1.      Adjective Clause

-       I thanked the woman. She helped me

I thanked the woman who helped me


-       The book is mine. It is on the table

The book which is on the table is mine


-          The man was Mr Jamie. I saw him

The man whom (subjek lain) i saw was Mr Jamie


-          The movie wasn’t very good. We saw it last night

The man which (benda)  we saw last night


-          She is the woman. I told you about her

She is the woman about whom (keterangan) i told you


-          The music was good. We listened to it last night

The music which we listened to (to which we listened) was good


-          I know the man. His biycle was stolen

I know the man whose biycle was stolen


-          The student writes well. I read her composition

The student whose i read composition writes well


-          Mr Karno has a painting. Its value is inestimable

Mr Karno has a painting whose value is inestimable


-          The building is very old. He lives there

The building which he lived  (where he lives) in is very old

The building in which he lived is very old


-          The teacher who teaches chemistry is an excellent tutor


-          Mrs Nur who teaches chemistry, is an excellent tutor


-            In my class there are 20 students. Most of them are from Java


Most of whom


-            He gave several reasons. Only a few of them were valid

Only a few of which


-            The teachers discussed Jim. One of his problem was poor study habits

One of whose problems


-       President Soekarno was the first president of Indonesia. He was one of the most influental person of the nation’s history

President soekarno of of the most person, was the first president Indonesia


2.      Noun Phrases

-            His story was interesting


-            What he said was interesting


-            I dont know where she lived: her house


-            I couldnt hear what he said: it


-            Please tell me when they arrived : the time


-            I wonder  who is at the door: the man


-            I dont know why those men are running: the reason


-            Please tell me how to get to the rain station: the way


-            What she said surprised me


(The news)


-            Whether she comes or not is unimportant to me


(The question)


-            That she doesnt understand spoken english is obsivious

(Her skill in english)


3.      Indirect Speech

-       She said, i have to watch Tv. She said, Do you watch Tv?


-       She said that she had to watch Tv. She asked me if i watched Tv?

S P that SP


-       She said, watch TV!


-       She told me to watch Tv


4.      Ever

-          Whoever wants to come is welcome

(Anyone who wants to come)


-          He makes friends with whomever he meets

(Anyone that)


-          He says whatever comes into his mind

(Anything that)


-          We can watch whichever movies that you prefer

(any movies)


-       You may leave whenever you wish



-       She can go wherever she want to go



-       The students may dress however they please

( in any way)


In wich = in that

Pronoun where untuk mengaitkan kalimat

Adjective clause dapat digunakan untuk memberikan keterangan pada suatu kata benda. Relative pronoun dapat melanjutkan kalimat

Dalam adjective clause setelah kata which diikuti verb bila menerangkan subjek kalimat

Kalimat adjective clause yang ditandai dengan relative pronoun di kalimat berada dalam simple present tense karena menunjukan general truth


N.  Infinitive, Gerund, and Causative 1

1.    Infinitive: TO + V1

-          He comes here to see me: tujuan (to see = must do)


-          The students are to do the school assignment: to be + to V1 = kewajiban


-          The game is supposed to begin at 10.00 PM


-          Mobile phone was first to emerge in 1995


-          It is too good to be true


-          I’m strong enough to lift the box: too adjective to V1


-          English is easy to learn: adjective + to V1


-          She advised us to wait until tomorrow: S P S2 to V1


-          They agreed to help us: S P2 ( v tense + to V1)


-          I promise to meet you : S P (verb + to V1) 2 kata kerja dilakukan berurutan) O


-          I din’t except to be invited to his party: to be V3


-          Jane is fortunate to have been given a scholarship: to have been V3


-          Arrange                       -care


-          Decide                         - except


-          Hesitate                       - manage


-          Offer                           - pretend


-          Propose                       - remember


-          Swear                          - claim


-          Wait                            - fail


-          Would like                  - mean


-          Ask                              - promise


-          Demand                      - seem


-          Hope                           - consent


-          Plan                             - forget


-          Refuse                         - need


-          Threaten                      - intend


-          Want                           - struggle


-          Beg                              -deserve


-          Learn                           -prepare




-          Regret                         -volunteer


-          Wish


2.   Gerund: Ving – noun (–preposition- Ving)- (to + Ving)

-       Swimming is my hobby: S P O: activity/ process


-       I am swimming right now: Ving – Continous Verb


-       He is good at speaking English


-       She leaves the shop without buying any goods


-       I’m interested in browsing Google Earth


-       I am looking forward to hearing from you soon


-       I confessed to stealing the CD


-       He objects to marrying his girlfriend soon


-       I used to practice dance every week: past habit


-       I am used to sleeping at 11.00 PM: present habit


-       I dont mind her smoking here


-       I will finish my eating later


-       I resent her interfering in my business


-       Let’s go to the swimming pool


-       Grandpa lost is walking stick


-       Please smoke in the smoking room


-       He admitted cheating the test


-       She advises waiting until tomorrow


-       I anticipate having good time on vacation


-       I avoid meeting you: Verb + Verb ing = 2 kata kerja dilakukan bersamaan


-       It is no use waiting for her


-       I cant help falling in love with you


-       I cant stand smelling the odor


-       Inception movie is worth watching


-       The job requires filling the registration form completely


-       The house needs painting


-       We need to go shopping now


-       Animals disklike being eaten by human


-       I give up being employed by that man: being V3


-       We had fun playing volleyball


-       I had trouble finding his house


-       Siti spends most of her time studying


-       I waste a lost of time watching TV


-       She sat at her desk writing a letter


-       I stood there wondering what to do next


-       He is lying in bed reading a novel



-          Appreciate                   -avoid

-          Discuss                        -dislike

-          Mention                       -mind

-          Recall                          -recollect

-          Resist                          -risk

-          Understand                 -excuse

-          Fancy                          - complete

-          Continue                     -enjoy

-          Miss                             -recommended

-          Stop                             -forgive

-          Imagine                       -consider

-          Finish                          -postpone

-          Regret                         -suggest

-          Prevent                        -delay

-          Forget                          -practice

-          Remember                   -tolerate

-          Deny                           -keep

-          Quit                             -resent


3.      Infinitive and Gerund

-   Advise         - begin             -continue         -dislike

-  Dread            -hate                -intend             -like

-  Love              -prefer             -proposed        -start


-          I prefer swimming to jogging


-          I prefer to swim than (to) jog


-          It began to rain


-          It began raining


-          Hindari penggunaan double Ving


-          We are starting to work = correct


-          We are starting working = incorrect


-          We are considering about leaving the town = correct (about)


-          I am admitting on cheating the test = correct (on)


-          He advised buying a fiat


-          He advised me to buy a fiat (me pihak kedua)


-          I’ll never forget giving the cake


-          I forget to give the cake


-          He stops smoking: dilakukan bersamaan


-          When he was driving along the highway, he stopped to smoke: berurutan


-          They’re trying to open the door


-          They tried opening the door


4.  Causative: menyebabkan sesuatu” S1 membuat S2 melakukan sesuatu/perintah (make,have, get)

1.    Causative

-       I made my brother carry my suitcase

-       I had my brother carry my suitcase: memerintah

-       I got my brother to carry my suitcase


-          My father let me drive his car


-          I help my friend choose major for college


-          I help my friend to choose major for college


-          Alan asked his friends to play soccer with him after school


2.    Passive Causative: have get+ o (noun) + V3


-          I had my watch repaired


-          I will get my watch repaired


3.  Verb of Perception: sight, hearing

-          I saw my friend running down the street


-          When i walked into the apartment, i heard my roommate singing in the shower


-          When i walked into my office, i found Yogi using my laptop (found = memergoki)


-          When she walked into her home, she caught a thief taking all her jewelries

First second third – Verb1 (infinitive)

Spring = meregang


By prepoisition – Ving  

S1 cause s2 to V1

His + noun – Ving/Gerund

Noun of noun Ving


To +V1


O.  Participle


1.      Studying, he passed the test: K S P O

( Because he studies, he passed the test)

Practicing hard, the team won the match


Telling the truth, i am feeling relieved

Because S P – activate Verb


2.      Active Participle: having V3


-          Having opened the drawer, i take the gun: (After i open the drawer)

After + S P (active)


-          Having registered intensive learning program, i will do my best to pass the exam


-          Having fed the catm we bathed it at the grooming salon


-          I meet the girl who smiles at me (i meet the girl smiling at me)


-          I am going to meet my friend  who sold me his jacket (selting me his jacket)


-          I meet the smilling girl: the girl who smiles


-          We hate those smelling garbage trucks


-          Look at the flying object to there: the object that fly


3.      Passive Participle

-          Surrounded by mountain, the city has a cool climate

(because the city is surrounded by mountain)


-          Taught by proper teacher they understood the subjects


-          Visited by the Obama, Indonesia had prepared the most expensive greeting ceremony ever


-          Having been beaten by Erick, Johnny became a polite man

       ( after Johnny was beaten by Erick)


-          Having been accused for the theft case, Mr John is now no longer having jobs to do


-          Having been stunned by poisonous stingray, The Crocodile Man From Austalia, faced his end


-          The book which is written by Stephanie Meyers is best seller worldwide

      ( The book writen by S M is best seller)


-          I’m going to buy the shoes which are displayed on the Year’s End Midnight Sale at Centro: displayed


-          We will find the hidden treasure: treasure that was hidden


-          I love wearing hand made Batik


-          The story of a lost world is hideous


4.      Differences between active participle & gerund

Modifiers of Noun:

-          A swimming pool : a pool for swimming

-          A swimmin child: a child who swim

-          A walking stick: a stick walking

-          A walking girl: a girl walking

-          A travelling bag: a bag travel

-          A travelling man: a man who travel


Sentence Pattern:

-  Walking in the jungle make the young man happy


-  Walking in the jugle, the young man felt happy



-       Reading book is like listening to music


-       Reading book, she is listening to music


-       Discussing with teachers can solve the problem


-       Discussing with teacher, we can solve the problem


(Find V1 – Found v2) – found (V1) – Founded (V2) membangun


Because – S P (passive verb) – Verb 3


Which represent – representing

By which are